Who We Are


Who We Are

That friendly church near Kops Park. The hot dog church. The church with the soothing hourly chimes. The church that does First Friday for parents. These are just some of the ways neighbors and friends describe us, the members of Beautiful Savior.

Some of us have been in the neighborhood for 65 years and three generations strong; others for several decades; some have been members for just a few years or have just returned; still others are newcomers. There’s something for everyone, as you’ll see the more you click on our links and as our website grows.

Whether serving a Vacation Bible Camp supper, reading together at one of our weekly Bible studies or just handing out free hot dogs at a neighborly event, there is a reason for our friendly smiles: The Bible (Ephesians 2: 8-9) tells us that grace (God’s Riches at Christ’s Expense) is free. Yes, salvation is God's gift to us; it can't be earned – and Jesus' blessed assurance of heaven for all believers – is FREE!